Saltbox Storage Shed – Add Up Personality In Your Garden

If you’re looking to add personality onto your own garden lawn, a saltbox storage shed is a good thing to go for. The saltbox shed is most identifiable due to the structural asymmetry of the roof that makes it ultimately unique and distinct from its counterparts. This particular attribute comes about due to its short forefront roof part that rises at such a steep angle that is then countered by its long rear part that gradually slopes down to the shed’s end.


The saltbox shed has quite a history all unto its own. It has been said that this particular design came about when a particular monarch from a long time ago created such an imposition on houses with more than a single storey in height to become subject for higher taxation. Consequently, human ingenuity – well, ordinary humans for that matter – found a way to make things work for them. Since the back-end of the roof slopes so much to the back to the height of a single storey, houses of this make were then exempted from taxes. Alas!

Saltbox storage sheds are commonly created with a double-door entrance. Automobiles, tractors and other machineries and a whole lot more could be stored in its confines. Apart from that, homeowners have also elected to enjoy them as off-the-house studies and workshops where they can dwell in solitude to do whatever there is they want to accomplish for their own personal gain. Like the said, “whatever floats your boat!” right?

Then again, saltbox storage sheds can be quite daunting as do-it-yourself shed projects. The shed actually demands precise and accurate dimensions for its parts no matter how basic they may be. You don’t want to end up with a structure that’s totally out of shape and design that hardly provides any betterment to your property, yes?

There are numerous saltbox shed designs on the internet that you can look at. What you have to do is check if they’re as specific as they can be with material measurements and instructions. If you’re sure enough that everything that needs doing and gathering are listed therein, you can then start creating and building your very own saltbox storage shed. In case you run out of funds, you can always avail for shed financing.